RLR- Final Version 1.4.0

Patch Notes 1.4.0


I have decided to remove the boss "nodrisa" as this was the only one that only had one phase, so it became 

repetitive in just a few seconds, because of this now the final game only has 5 bosses.

-A new boss "arshell" has been added.

-Some sound effects have been improved

-Now you will have to defeat the previous boss to pass to the next level.

-Adjusted the difficulty of the boss "Tesla" -Adjusted the difficulty of the boss "Tesla".

-New performance tweaks


He decidido eliminar el jefe "nodrisa" porque este era el único que solo tenía una fase, por lo que 

se volvía repetitivo en tan solo unos segundos, debido a esto ahora el juego final solo cuenta con 5 jefes.

-Se ha agregado un nuevo jefe "arshell"

-Se han mejorado algunos efectos de sonido

-Ahora tendrás que derrotar el jefe anterior para pasar al siguiente nivel

-Se ha ajustado la dificultad del jefe "Tesla"

-Nuevos ajustes en cuanto a rendimiento


RLR_1.4 34 MB
Jul 21, 2022

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